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Location Pt. Ras Bihari Tiwari Marg, Motinagar Lucknow

Department of Physical Education

To ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT :- Since its establishment in the year 1971, the Department of Physical Education has been fostering critical thinking and motivating students to edify their disposition, with adherence to the vision of Dayanand Sarswati, an Indian Philosopher, social leader and founder of the Arya Samaj, a reform movement of Vedic dharma. He was the first to give the call for Swaraj as “India for Indians” in 1876. In pursuit of providing academic and scholastic atmosphere, the Department has always motivated the students for Sports & Games with a vision “Fit India”. The Department of Physical Education, one of the most outstanding and popular department of D.A.V. Degree College, associated with University of Lucknow. The department responded to the need to provide better academic and sporting status for students belonging to diverse regions and communities. With new development expectations in the twenty-first century, the Department of Physical Education has renewed its focus on courses and topics to meet the developmental needs such as communication skills, information technology, professional innovation, creative, humanities, and all other aspirations of personal growth among pupils. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES :- 1. Under the aegis of Physical Education Foundation of India (PEFI), the department has successfully organised its First National Seminar on the theme “ Women Empowerment for Healthy Nation – Emerging Perspectives and Issues” on February 29, 2016. 2. The Department has also organised its Second National Seminar on the theme “ Value – Based Innovative Research Methods in Physical Education, Social Sciences and Humanities in Indian Perspectives” on January 18, 2018. 3. During the covid – 19 pandemic the Department has also organised Two National Webinars on the Theme:- a) “Diabetes Management through Yoga & Exercise” on 14th March 2021. b) “Coaching Philosophy Styles and Principles” on 24th March 2021. The department responds to regional development needs as a quality and cost-effective education centre for socially and economically disadvantaged and backward regions of various provinces of Lucknow District. The department trains students and transforms them into competent graduates who succeed professionally and serve locally, regionally and globally. We are proud to follow in the footsteps of our beloved founder Late. Pandit Rhas Bihari Tiwariji and will continue to move forward with lasting commitment and heightened fervour.

Head of the Department

Will be available soon.

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  Will be available soon.
 Will be available soon.

Office Address

Department of Physical Education
 Aishbagh Road,Moti Nagar,
 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226004
 +91 7571003598